Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day Six

I spent the day at home and got caught up on house stuff, laundry and dishes and just general things. One of my friends came over and cleaned up a bit after Esa was born, which was a life saver because we left in a hurry. I know that there was uncovered ravioli in the fridge that I tossed in on our way out, the table hadn't been washed or the floor swept, there were toys where the boys had been playing, everything was a huge mess. It was nice to come home to a relatively clean house after everything. I had a pretty normal day with boys, which was really nice. The boys came and snuggled with me in the morning, then we had breakfast and washed the dishes together. We went to library to return some things and get the boys some new books and shows. We left from the library to go up to the hospital to visit and so that I could switch with Art.

When I got there I was shocked at how badly Esa was swollen. His chest and belly had been swollen the day before, but today his poor face was soooo swollen. His ears were like little caves because his head had swollen right up around them. It was crazy. It also made it obvious that he was losing weight in the rest of his body. His legs and arms were so tiny. He was also still having the spasms in his chest, but he seemed to be resting more peacefully. He was on a lot of sedatives and pain medication. A couple of things that seemed to comfort him really well. Firstly we'd put a burp diaper on the top of his head, like a little tent. I think the weight of it and that it shaded him from light were comforting to him. Also I would put my hand on his head and rub his forehead and it would calm him down really well.

The biggest thing they were worried about that day was his swelling. They gave him a few different diaretics to help him pee and try to get him to lose all of the extra fluid.
While I was sitting with Esa there were two code blues (which means that a baby has turned blue), which was really nerve racking. I hadn't heard anything like that before, but they had two in that one day.

I can't remember now when they took out two of the tubes draining his chest, but they were gone by now.

That night I was able to get a sleep room but, there was a family in the waiting room outside crying because their baby had lost all brain activity and they were told to say goodbye. It was terrible. If you have ever experienced that loss or have been with someone else when they've had that kind of news, then you'll know what it sounded like. I felt terrible and was trying to think of something to do to help them, but I couldn't think of anything. I just laid in bed until sometime in the early a.m. when it quieted down and I was able to get a few hours of sleep.


  1. I hope his swelling has gone down by now! I just can't believe everything that your little guy (AND YOU!) has to go through. There was a code blue in the ER when Claire was there. You learn so many things in the hospital that you really could have done without in your life. Scary. I think about you guys every second and I am always searching for more about little Esa. Little does he know that he has our hearts around his little fingers. He's such a sweetheart.

    Also, do you even know how big he is? Babies always look so huge in pictures.

    1. 8lbs 4 oz! He was huge for being born at 37 weeks! He was 20.5 inches! We miss you guys so much!!!

    2. Oh my goodness! He was HUGE! I can't believe how big he was being so early! I keep looking at these pictures thinking he was a pretty big baby, but pictures always lie. I'm so glad the swelling is going down and I hope it stays that way! What a trooper, you all are. I miss you guys so much! It's just killing me that I can't come over and help in any way.'s the worst not being able to help in any way. I'd totally have Jude and Hyrum over for a fun movie day/play date if we were there. :(

  2. I'm so sad I wasn't able to give you a hug when I was out there for the wedding it was such a whirlwind of events, by the time we got back to provo it was a whirlwind, quick birthday party/fathers day then I went to the airport. I think about you often and my prayers are with you and your family! Thank you for spending so much time writing this blog and keeping everyone up to date, I know it can't be easy for you. I hope you know how appreciated everyone is that you do this for us! Please please let me know if there's anything at all I can do for you girl. Love you bunches xoxo
